Beatragus hunteri, the hirola, Hunter’s hartebeest or Hunter’s antelope, is a critically endangered antelope species found on the border between Kenya and Somalia. They were discovered in 1888 by the zoologist H.C.V. Hunter  It is the only extant member of the genus Beatragus. The global hirola population is estimated at 300–500 animals, there are no hirola in captivity and the wild population continues to decline. According to the International Union for Conservation … More HIROLA


Paraceratherium is an extinct genus of hornless rhinoceros, and one of the largest terrestrial mammals that has ever existed. It lived from the early to late Oligocene epoch (34–23 million years ago); its remains have been found across Eurasia between China and the Balkans. It is classified as a member of the hyracodont subfamily Indricotheriinae. Paraceratherium means “near the hornless beast”, in reference to Aceratherium, the genus in which the type … More BALUCHITHERIUM